1·Gate, fire doors, extendable doors, security doors production.
2·Yan security doors under the slogan : "users first, service first, the first products, safety first."
3·Gui-card security doors you willing to create a safe, happy and peaceful home environment to make contributions.
4·When installing security doors, residents should choose the products of regular manufacturers and do not purchase inferior products.
5·In 2015, a Swedish company implanted microchips in its staff which allowed them to use the photocopier, open security doors and even pay for their lunch.
6·Guangzhou yajunyun door industry co. , LTD is a professional design, production, sales, installation of fire doors, fire shutter, fire glassdoors, security doors production enterprises.
7·Operation, the case of emergencies, legs, elbows should be immediately contradict security doors, built-in control switch can immediately forward reverse two-roller to remove this danger.
8·And when Jacob walked in through the glass doors, her back just happened to be to the security cameras as she shot him in the stomach.
9·Your house may have the latest alarm system and Windows with bars, but if you leave your doors unlocked, despite the number of security features your system has, it is still insecure.
10·Bosses have been more careful about whom they let in; most parlors have outer doors with peepholes, and some have closed-circuit security cameras, gamblers say.